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Wells-Parker, E., Ceminsky, J., Hallberg, V., Snow, R.W., Dunaway, G., Guiling, S., Williams, M. & Anderson, B. (2002). An exploratory study of the relationship between road rage and crash experience in a representative sample of U.S. drivers. Accident Analysis and Prevention., 34, 271-278. Snow, R.W., & Wells-Parker, E. (2001). Relationships between drinking problems and drinking locations among convicted drinking drivers. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse,27(3), 531-542. Wells-Parker, E., (2000). Putting the past in perspective: Formulating questions for the future. Addiction, 95(1), 58-60. Invited editorial commentary. Wells-Parker, E., Kenne, D., Spratke, K., & Williams, M. (2000). Self-efficacy and motivation to change drinking and drinking driving: An investigation of changes across a DUI intervention program and of recidivism prediction. Addictive Behaviors, 23, 229-238. Wells-Parker, E., (2000). Assessment and screening of impaired driving offenders: Underlying hypotheses as a guide for development of validation strategies. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs, and Traffic Safety (pp. 575-594). Stockholm, Sweden: Ekom Press. Abstract refereed, paper published in full. Anderson, B., Snow, R. & Wells-Parker, E., (2000). Comparing the predictive validity of risk screening instruments: Standards for validation. Addiction, 95(6), 915-929. Anderson, B., Snow, R., & Wells-Parker, E., (2000). Differential validity in risk screening of impaired driving offenders. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs, and Traffic Safety (pp. 620-626). Stockholm, Sweden: Ekom Press. Abstract refereed. Paper published in full. Wells-Parker, E., Burnett, C., Dill, P., Williams, M., & Keene, D. (1998). Stages of change and self-efficacy for controlling drinking and driving. Addictive Behaviors, 23, 351-363. Wells-Parker, E., Burnett, C., Dill, P., & Williams, M. (1997). Initial development of self-efficacy scales for controlling drinking and driving. In C. Mercier-Guyon (ed.). Proceedings of the 14th Conference on Alcohol, Drugs, and Traffic Safety (pp. 347-351). Annecy, France: Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches en Medecine du Trafic. Abstract refereed, paper published in full. Wells-Parker, E., Popkin, C. & Ashley, M. (1996). Drinking and driving among women: Gender trends, gender differences. In J. Howard, S. Martin, P. Mail, M. Hilton, & E. Taylor (Eds). Women and Alcohol: Issues for Prevention Research. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Research Monograph 32, NIH 96-3817. Washington, D.C: National Institutes of Health. Wells-Parker, E., Bangert-Drowns, B., & Williams, M. (1995). The past is prologue: Determining directions or research on DUI remediation from meta-analysis. (Response to a series of published commentaries on the meta-analysis that is described in the following article). Addiction, 90, 1587-1601. Wells-Parker, E., Bangert-Drowns, B., McMillen, R. & Williams, M. (1995). Final results from a meta-analysis of remedial interventions with DUI Offenders. Addiction, 90, 907-926. Wells-Parker, E. (1994). Mandated treatment: Lessons from research with drinking and driving offenders. Alcohol Health and Research World, 18, 302-307. Wells-Parker, E. & Popkin, C. (1994). Rehabilitation and screening: Research needs for the next decade. Journal of Traffic Medicine, 22, 71-78. Popkin C. & Wells-Parker, E. (1994). A research agenda for the specific deterrence of DWI. Journal of Traffic Medicine, 22, 1-14. Wells-Parker, E. N., Anderson, B. J., Pang, M. G., & Timken, D. (1993). An examination of cluster-based classification schemes for DUI offenders. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 54,209-218. McMillen, D. L., Pang, M. G., Wells-Parker, E. N., & Anderson, B. J. (1992). Alcohol, personality traits, and high risk driving: A Comparison of young drinking driver groups.Addictive Behaviors, 17. McMillen, D. L., Pang, M. G., Wells-Parker, E. N., & Anderson, B. J. (1991). Behavior and personality traits among DUI arrestees, non-arrested impaired drivers and non-impaired drivers. International Journal of the Addictions, 26, 227-235. Wells-Parker, E. N., Pang, M. G., Anderson, B. J., McMillen, D. L., & Miller, D. I. (1991). Female DUI offenders: A comparison to male counterparts and an examination of the effects of intervention on females’ recidivism rates. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 52, 142-147. Wells-Parker, E. N., Landrum, J. W., & Topping, J. S. (1990). Other preventive approaches: Matching the DUI offender to an effective intervention strategy. In J. Wilson & R. Mann (eds.), Drinking and driving: Advances in research and prevention (pp. 267-289). New York: Guilford Press. Wells-Parker, E. N., & Anderson, B. J. (1990). Client characteristics and rehabilitation outcomes. In M. W. Perrine (ed.), Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety (pp. 178-183). Chicago, IL: National Safety Council. Abstract refereed. Landrum, J. W., Snow, R. W., Wells-Parker, E. N., & Anderson, B. J. (1990). Thirty years of alcohol and drinking driving research: Implications for program development and theory. In M. W. Perrine (ed.), Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety (pp. 642-646). Chicago, IL: National Safety Council. Abstract refereed. Wells-Parker, E. N., Anderson, B. J., McMillen, D. L., & Landrum, J. W. (1989). Interactions among DUI; offender characteristics and traditional intervention modalities: A long-term recidivism follow-up. British Journal of Addiction, 84, 381-390. McMillen, D. L., Smith, S., & Wells-Parker, E. N. (1989). The effects of alcohol, expectancy, and sensation seeking on driving risk taking. Addictive Behaviors, 14, 477-483. Pang, M., Wells-Parker, E. N., & McMillen, D. L. (1989). Drinking reasons, drinking locations, and accident involvement among collegians. International Journal of the Addictions, 24, 215-227. Wells-Parker, E. N., Anderson, B. J., Landrum, J. W., & Snow, R. W. (1988). The long-term effectiveness of probation, short-term intervention, and LAI administration for reducing DUI recidivism. British Journal of Addiction, 83, 415-422. Wells-Parker, E. N., & Cosby, P. J. (1988). Behavioral and employment consequences of driver’s license suspension for drinking driving offenders. Journal of Safety Research, 15, 5-20. Wells-Parker, E. N., Cosby, P. J., & Landrum, J. W. (1986). A typology for drinking driving offenders: Methods for classification and policy implications. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 18, 443-453. McMillen, D. L., & Wells-Parker, E. N. (1986). The effect of alcohol consumption on risk taking while driving. Addictive Behaviors, 12, 241-248. Snow, R. W. & Wells-Parker, E. N. (1986). Drinking reasons, alcohol consumption levels, and drinking locations among drunken drivers. International Journal of the Addictions, 21, 671-689. Wells-Parker, E. N., Miles, S., & Spencer, B. (1983). Stress experiences and drinking histories of elderly drunken-driving offenders. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 44, 429-437. Neff, R. L., Landrum, J. W., Windham, G. O., Miles, S. M., Pritchard, T. E., Wells-Parker, E. N., & Roebuck, J. B. (1982). Findings of the Mississippi DUI probation follow-up project: Summary and implications. Second Symposium on Traffic Safety Effectiveness (Impact) Evaluation Projects (pp. D1-D22). Washington, D. C.: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the National Safety Council.